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准点的英文翻译 准点英文怎幺说 准点的英文例句



[zhǔn diǎn]

    on schedule

schedule [ʃedju:l; (-) 'skedʒul]

    n.时间表,进度表 v.确定时间


我们度假一开始就大吉大利, 天气很好, 火车也都准点Our holiday got off to a flying start because the weather was good and the trains were on time.列车准点到达。The train arrive on time.父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。Father must take his pill on the hour.市郊往返列车从来不准点。The commuter trains are never punctual.火车不准点是出了名的。The trains are notoriously unreliable.


一等水準点 first order bench mark

不埋石水準点 nonmonumented bench mark

中间水準点 intermediate bench mark

临时水準点 nonmonumented bench mark; temmporaary bench mark; temporary bench mark

交叉水準点 junction bench mark

准点播电视 near video on demand, NVOD

原始水準点 original bench mark

双程水準点测量 double line leveling

地区基本水準点 local fundamental bench mark

垂准点 plumb point

埋石水準点 monumented bench mark; permanent bench mark

基準点 benchmark; reference point

基準点校正 bench mark correction

基本水準点 Fund BM; fundamental bench mark

标準点 normal point

标準点以下 below the line

标準点制度 standard hour system

标準点时 point hours

水準点 bench mark; reference point

水準点成果表 bench mark list

水準点标高 bench mark elevation; bench mark value

水準点点之记 benchy mark description

水準点说明 benchy mark description

水準点高程测量 benchmark leveling又称"基平"。

永久性水準点 permanent bench mark

永久水準点 Fund BM; fundamental bench mark; monumented bench mark; plermanent bench mark

照準点 sighting point

照準点归心 sighting centring因照準点目标中心与照準点标石中心不一致而进行的改正。

瞄準点 aiming point

瞄準点前置量 aiming off

