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生火的英文翻译 生火英文怎幺说 生火的英文例句



[shēng huǒ]

    to make a fire
    to light a fire

make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情

fire [faiә(r)]

    n.火,炉火,火灾,失火,闪光,炮火,热情,激情 vt.点燃,烧制,使发光,给(炉子等)加燃料,放枪,激动,解雇 vi.开枪,射击,着火,烧火,激动

light [lait]

    n.光,日光,发光体,灯 adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的vt.点燃,照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着,变亮


万一发生火灾,请按警铃。In case a fire breaks out ring the alarm case of fire ring the alarm bell.万一发生火灾,请拨119。In case of fire dial119.万一发生火灾就叫员警。In case of a fire call the police.一旦发生火灾时,打开这扇安全门。In case of fire open this safety door.一只野生火鸡在麻塞诸塞州布鲁克林的beacon大街人行道上穿梭而过。A wild turkey crosses the sidewalk on beacon street in brookline mass.重覆,低温舱发生火警Repeat fire in cryogenic compartment.马儿纵乐于茂密的青草中;孩子们跑来跑去拾柴生火。The horse wallow in the rank grass; the children run about to gather stick for the fire.他们被困在发生火灾的旅馆里。They were trapped in te burning hotel.有短路或发生火灾的危险。Risk of short circuit or fire.


不产生火花的 sparkproof

不产生火花的铜钉 spark-free copper nail

二级生火 n. coal pass

内生火 endogenous fire

準备生火 laid a fire; laid the fire; lay a fire; lay the fire

发生火灾的危险 fire hazard

寄生火山锥 parasitic cone

易发生火灾的 fire-prone

次生火灾 accompanying fire

生火 fire up; build a fire

生火工具 fire iron

生火花的 pyrophoric

生火风机 firing up fan

能产生火花的动力工具 spark production power tool

