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筑路的英文翻译 筑路英文怎幺说 筑路的英文例句




    road construction;paving;road laying

road [rәud]


construction [kәn'strʌkʃ(ә)n]


paving [peiviŋ]



足球队员在暑期通常与筑路工人一起工作。Football players often work with road gangs during summer vacations.居民们都因筑路工程而感到不便。All the residents have been inconvenienced by the road works.工厂的废品可以製成筑路的材料。Waste products from factory can be made into roadbuilding material.市政会不筑路的决定是伸张理智。The council's decision not to build the road has struck a blow for common sense.泰安岳首筑路机械有限公司。Taian yueshou road building machinery co.圆锥破碎机适用于冶金、建筑、筑路、化学及硅酸盐行业中原料的破碎,可以破碎中等和中等硬度以上的各种矿石和岩石。The series of crusher is suitable to break medium hardness of the above applied ore and rock.这笔钱已被政府拨作筑路用。The money was appropriated by the government for road building.这台机器用于碎石,以供筑路之需。This machine is used to crush the rock up for road building.筑路是最优先考虑的事。Road building is a top priority.


拖挂式筑路机械 tiltdozer; trailbuilder

筑路拌料机 road mixer road-mix machine

筑路拖拉机 highway tractor

筑路机 road builder road construction machine road machine road making machine

筑路机械 road machinery

筑路机械中修 medium repair of road machine

筑路机械全过程管理 all-life period management of road machine

筑路机械大修 major repair of road machine

筑路机械小修 current repair of road machine

筑路油 asphaltum oil

筑路用挖掘机 road excavator

筑路用横向移动刮刀式整形机 transverse moving blade shaper

筑路碎石 road metal

联合筑路机 one-pass machine

自动筑路机 automatic roadbuilder

铁路筑路机 railroad contructing machine

