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    to seize
    to usurp

seize [si:z]

    v.抓住,逮住,夺取 vt.没收,查封

usurp [juzәp]



员警被指控篡改证词。The police be accused of tamper with the evidence.可以看看攻击者是如何篡改sql查询语句的。See how an attacker can tamper with an sql query.类似地,可以篡改来自合法查询的实际回应。Similarly one can tamper with the actual response from a legitimate query.请注意,其他用户可以篡改此档。Just remember other users can tamper with this file.他们的最好目标是篡夺。Their greatest goal is to usurp power from the fangs.一些省份被证实叛变了;支持篡位者的变节者。Some provinces had proved recreant; renegade supporters of the usurper.原文被篡改过很多次The original text has been distorted over the years.远端控制器上的微电路已经被篡改了The microcircuitry on this has been tampered with.在1753年的一次宫廷政变中,一个统治者篡夺了王位。In1753 a palace revolution there placed on the throne a ruler.助手开始篡夺老闆的权力。The assistant began to usurp his boss's authority.


篡改 distort; falsify; juggle; misrepresent; tamper with; falsification; manipulation; interpolation

篡改通道资讯 active wiretapping又称"伪造通道资讯"。

篡改数字 fudge the figures

篡权 usurp; usurpation

篡权者 usurper

