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圣杯的英文翻译 圣杯英文怎幺说 圣杯的英文例句



[shèng bēi]

    Holy Grail

holy [hәuli]

    adj.神圣的,圣洁的 n.神圣的东西

grail [greil]



我要的仅是理想,不是圣杯。What I want is only ideality not the grail.我正在追求圣杯的途中I am on a grail quest.要理解圣杯,亲爱的To understand the holy grail my dear...渔夫王是寻找圣杯的终点Fisher king's at the end of all grail quests.这个包装纸就是个圣杯A lozenge wrapper's the damn holy grail.持续不断的核聚变是电力工业所渴求和探索的“圣杯”。Fig.sustained nuclear fusion is the holy grailof the power industry.还记得找圣杯的时候我们如何合作的吗?Remember how we worked together to locate the sangraal?你準备好寻找圣杯了幺?You ready to search for the holy grail?如果你们真要找圣杯If you truly seek the sangraal圣杯,圣碟,水壶,调味瓶…The chalice the paten the jug the cruets...他们认为我能帮他们找到圣杯Because they believe I can lead them to the sangraal.我们是来找圣杯的We've come in search of the sangraal.我知道圣杯在那堵火墙的后面I know the sangraal lies beyond that wall of fire.引诱我们去那个隐藏圣杯的星球吗?To lure us to the planet where the sangraal was hidden?

