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追赶的英文翻译 追赶英文怎幺说 追赶的英文例句




    to pursue
    to chase after
    to accelerate

pursue [pә'sju:; (-) -'su:]


chase [tʃeis]

    n.追赶,追击 vt.追赶,追逐,雕镂

after [a:ftә(r)]



士7:23以色列人就从拿弗他利、亚设、和玛拿西全地聚集来追赶米甸人。The men of israel were summoned from naphtali and asher and all manasseh and they pursued midian.他想穿过那漫长的雪野去追赶福克!He thought of pursuing fogg across the vast white plains;我们正在追赶朝向不!We're in pursuit headed... no!原本居住在黄刀镇的凯尔?哈利与一位朋友去露营时,被黑熊追赶并且遭到攻击。Yellowknife resident kyle harry was chased and mauled by the animal while camping with a friend.在沙滩上信被风吹走了,我不得不追赶它。On the beach the letter blew away and I had to run after it.这是一次回到追赶时髦的六十年代那种青年文化的怀旧性旅行。It's a nostalgia trip back into the youth culture of the swinging60s.这只狗把浣熊追赶到了树上。The dog chased the raccoon up a tree.


一直追赶 keep after

向...方向追赶 make tracks for

吠叫着一齐追赶 in full cry

开始追赶 start after

抛手帕催...追赶自己 throw the handkerchief to

派人追赶 send after

紧紧追赶着 be hot on the trail of

紧跟蹤迹追赶 hot on the trail

跟综追赶 on the trail of

追赶 give chase; given chase to; speed up; speedup

追赶...使之精疲力竭 tire down

追赶动物直至巢穴 run to the earth; run to the ground

追赶法 chasing method

追赶者 pursuer

追赶者牌汽车 Chaser

追赶者牌汽车 Chaser

闻着臭迹追赶 follow up the scent

