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追查的英文翻译 追查英文怎幺说 追查的英文例句




    to investigate
    to track down (information)

investigate [in'vestigeit]


track [træk]


down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地

information [infә'meiʃ(ә)n]

    n.通知,报告,消息,情报,知识,见闻,资料,起诉 资讯


员警正在追查几条谋杀案的线索。The police is following up several lead in the murder investigation.你可以追查它的伺服器物理位址吗?Can you backtrace it to a physical location?让我们详细追查这些由重力所引起的加速度的计算方法。Let us trace out in greater detail this computation of acceleration due to gravitational forces.他应该在追查格列登科的固定电话He's supposed to be checking on gredenko's landline.我和blackwell会继续追查Me and blackwell are going to jump on this.在这个你追查到的屠宰商店里面。In this butcher shop you're running here.华纳在音乐下载的追查之中传唤到庭了。Warner subpoenaed in music download probe.你能不能追查一下刚才那个电话Could you please trace that phone call她写了部惊险作品,讲一位元女警官奉命追查一名兇残的连环杀人犯。She wrote a thriller about a brutal serial killer and the policewoman assigned to track him down.为了追查兇手组成特别小组To launch a special task force to track the killer.我现在在追查主电脑的ip地址I'm tracing the host computer ip address now.正在追查几条群众辨认线索So we're working on a couple of jason sightings.追查失蹤人员工作组;Working group on the process for tracing persons unaccounted for;


失物追查单 tracer

失物追查单,失物追查人 tracer

短卸货物追查单 collection tracer; tracer

追查 follow shuttle

追查制度 follow-up

追查成本 expediting cost

追查故障用的资料 trouble shooting data

追查核对 follow-up check

追查短缺货物 collection tracer; tracer

