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甚于的英文翻译 甚于英文怎幺说 甚于的英文例句



[shèn yú]

    be far more than

far [fa:(r)]

    adj.(常用于书面语)远的,久远的,遥远的 adv.(表示空间或时间上的距离)远,很远,遥远地,久远地,甚远地,很,很晚地 n.远处,远方

more [mɔ:(r)]

    adj.更多的 n.更多 adv.更,更多,更加,超过,多,大大高于 num.更多

than [ðen]

    conj.比 prep.与...相比较


老来是要和蔼;第二幼年期乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期。Be gentle in old age; peevishness is worse in second childhood than in first.他喜欢游玩甚于工作。He is fonder of play than of work.他爱他亲爱的玩伴更甚于生命Who loved his sweet playfellow more than life.我们珍视荣誉甚于金钱。We prize honor above money.我喜欢大提琴甚于小提琴。I like the cello better than the violin.值得注意的是,所有的蜘蛛,包括八眼巨蛛在内,都对蛇怪无比恐惧,远甚于它们恐惧任何其他动物。Note that all spiders including acromantulas fear the basilisk above all other living things.老来要和蔼;第二幼年期的乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期。Be gentle in old age; peevishness are worse in second childhood than in first.你喜欢梨更甚于苹果吗?Do you like pear more than apple?我喜欢苹果甚于梨。I prefer apples to pears.我最大的嗜好是看书,我喜欢看书甚于出去玩。My greatest passion was reading and I preferred that to going out to play.


甚于其他一切 above everything else

