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神谕的英文翻译 神谕英文怎幺说 神谕的英文例句



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oracle [ɔrәk(ә)l; (-) 'ɔ:rәkl]

    n.[宗](古希腊)神谕,预言,神谕处,神使,哲人,圣贤 美国ORACLE公司,主要生产资料库产品,也是主要的网路电脑的宣导者


是关于神谕夜总会的事It's about club oracle.特尔斐城的或与特尔斐城有关的,与特尔斐阿波罗神谕有关的。Of or relating to delphi or to the oracles of apollo at delphi.特尔斐传达神谕的女祭司曾告诉苏格拉底说,他是世界上最聪明的人。Socrates had been told by the delphic oracle that he was the wisest of men.特尔斐的特尔斐城的或与特尔斐城有关的;与特尔斐阿波罗神谕有关的Of or relating to delphi or to the oracle of apollo at delphi.先知卡尔卡斯,在问讯神谕所后道出了造成这一切的原因。The seer calchas after consulting an oracle revealed the cause of the trouble.珍娜,萨尔,凯恩与神谕见面。麦迪文揭示他自己就是神谕。Jaina thrall cairne meet with the oracle.medivh reveals himself to be the oracle.终于,我们在一个扭歪的笑容中听见了神谕:「不回答上帝的问题。Finally a wry smile formed and the delphic oracle spoke: "I do not answer god questions.最后丢卡利翁说:“要不就是我发了昏,要不就是我们不犯逆忤罪也能执行神谕。”At last deucalion spoke: "either my wit fails me or the command is one we may obey without impiety."古希腊时祈求神谕的庙。A shrine where an oracular god is consulted.皮拉首先打破了沉寂:“我们不能照着这个神谕办事;我们不敢亵渎父母的尸骨。”Pyrrha first broke silence: "we cannot obey; we dare not profane the remains of our parents."神谕命令署名的手术在骨瘤之上,眼科医师选择视力计。Oracle order onymous operation on osteoma oculist opt optometer;先知者的,先知的属于或具有先知者特性的;神谕的Of or characteristic of a prophet; oracular.这个忠告一定是来自神谕处,因为它难以理解This advice must have come from the oracle; it is difficult to understand


收买僧侣以获得神谕 work the oracle

