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从头的英文翻译 从头英文怎幺说 从头的英文例句




    from the start

anew [ә'nju:; (-) ә'nu:]


start [sta:t]

    n.动身,出发点,开始,惊起,惊跳,赛跑的先跑权,优先地位 v.出发,起程,开始,着手,惊动,惊起,起动,发动 削减战略武器条约START(Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)


从头的伤势看似是近距离被杀Tattooing around the head wound scorched bone close range.probably executed.量子化学从头计算fortraniv通用程式mqab-80A fortran iv ceneral computer program for quantum chemistry ab initio calculation mqab-80你得再从头做起。You are back to square one again.他把手稿从头到尾看了。He read through the manuscript.他从头上方橱架上取下高脚餐具。He picked stemware from the slotted overhead.她已从头到尾掌握了这种新的程式设计语言。She has mastered the alpha and omega of the new programming language.我的工作又得从头做起。I'm back to square one with the work.我们再从头开始吧。Let's go back to square one.一大群白鹅从头顶飞过。12a Flock of white geese is seen in flight overhead.影片从头到尾贯穿着讽刺韵调。There is a constant irony throughout the film.


从头做起 start at scratch; start from scratch; start on scratch

从头到尾 from beginning to end; from the beginning to the end; from top to tail

从头到尾地 through and through

从头到尾的 fore and after

从头到尾看一遍 read through

从头到脚 from top to toe

从头合成 de novo synthesis

从头开始 from the beginning; from the very beginning

从头开始直至结束 from the ground up

从头数 reckon to

从头至尾 from beginning to end; from the beginning to the end

从头至尾投满九局 gone the route; went the route

从头至脚 from head to foot; from title page to colophon

从头计算 reckon from

再从头开始 begin again

