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渗流的英文翻译 渗流英文怎幺说 渗流的英文例句



[shèn liú]

    to seep

seep [si:p]


leakage [li:kidʒ]



地下水赋存具有离散性,渗流具有各向异性等特点。The characteristic of groundwater occurrence is discrete and seepage is anisotropic.许多其他渗流分析软体不考虑这些关係。Most other seepage analysis software packages do not take these relationships into account.应通过渗流分析来评估套排水控制措施的效力。The effectiveness of drainage control measures should be evaluated by seepage analyses.在钟乳石溶洞里,可以见到渗流现象。Seepage flow can be observed in stalactite caves.


一维渗流 one-dimensional fluid flow, linear fluid flow又称"线性渗流"。

三相渗流 three-phase fluid flow

三维渗流 three-dimensional fluid flow

两相渗流 two-phase fluid flow

二维两相渗流 two-dimensional and two-phase fluid flow

二维渗流 two-dimensional fluid flow

单相渗流 single-phase fluid flow

多相渗流 multiple-phase fluid flow

多组分渗流 multi-compositional fluid flow

拟稳定渗流 pseudo-steady state fluid flow through porous medium

渗流 flow in porous media, seepage

渗流力 seepage force

渗流力学 fluid mechanics in porous medium

渗流水 seepage water

渗流係数 coefficient of percolation

渗流速度 flow velocity through porous medium

渗流阻力 seepage resistance多孔介质对渗流的阻力。

渗流雷诺数 Reynolds number in fluid flow through porous medium

稳定渗流 steady state fluid flow through porous medium又称"定常渗流"。

船闸渗流 seepage of navigation lock在船闸的地基和两侧回填土内所产生的渗流。

达西渗流 Darcy flow

非稳定渗流 unsteady state flow through porous medium又称"非定常渗流"。

非线性渗流 non-linear fluid flow through porous medium

非达西渗流 non-Darcy flow

