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转手的英文翻译 转手英文怎幺说 转手的英文例句




    to pass on
    to resell
    to change hands

pass [pa:s; (-) pæs]

    n.经过,关口,途径,护照,通行证,入场券,传球,及格 vt.通过,审查通过,忽略,传递 vi.经过,变化,流通,宣判,被忽略,终止,传递,不叫牌

resell [ri:'sel]



这房子最近几经转手。The house has changed hands several times recently.规则要求按顺时针方向旋转手轮。Regulation is accomplished by rotating the handwheel clockwise.较大的数量已经转手。Useful quantities have changed hands.可能通过协力厂商转手了Probably routed through a third party.其他的赃物,他作为“拾得之物”做出广告,转手卖回给原失主;Other stolen property he advertised as "recovered property" and sold back to the original owners;取得:装有钻石的手提箱。一个装有不定数额血腥钻石的手提箱将在夏马风酒店转手。A black suitcase containing a number of untraceable blood diamonds will change hands at the shamal.西班牙统治者被迫通过1800年的一项秘密条约把路易斯安那转手给法国。The spanish ruler was forced to turn over louisiana to napoleon through a secret treaty in1800.这本书我是转手买来的。I got this book second-hand.这都是那些坏蛋犹太人干的事。什幺时候钱一转手,他们就钻进来。It is all those scoundrels of jews: they get in every time money changes hands.


买卖转手 change hands

资金转手 reshuffling

转手中间人 switch dealer

转手交易 switch operations

转手交易,转手贸易 switch transaction; switch trade; switch operations; switching

转手倒卖 resell at a profit

转手倒卖者 scalper

转手开关 switcher

转手支票 third party check

转手放款人 subborrower

转手汇率 switch rate

转手渔利 profit at other''s expense

转手货物 switch cargo

转手贸易 switch transaction

转手贸易佣金 switching commission

转手销售 accommodation sale; switch selling

转手顾客 switching customers

转手 turn

