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深呼吸的英文翻译 深呼吸英文怎幺说 深呼吸的英文例句



[shēn hūxī]

    deep breathing;take a deep breath;bathypnea

deep [di:p]

    adj.深的,纵深的,远离中心的,深奥的,难懂的,(指人)诡计多端的,低沉的(声音) adv.深入地,迟 n.深渊,深处

breathing [bri:ðiŋ]

    n.呼吸,瞬间,微风 adj.呼吸的,逼真的,短暂的休息

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

breath [breθ]



当他深呼吸时,胸部突了出来。His chest stick out when he breathed in deeply.b夸张地作了一个深呼吸。B exaggeratedly took a deep breath.病人练习深呼吸和咳嗽。Have client practice deep breathing and coughing.病人每2小时练习翻身、嗽和深呼吸一次。Have client perform turn cough and deep breathing every2hours.你深呼吸和咳嗽时痛得厉害些吗?Does it pain increasing with deep breathing and coughing?深呼吸和浅呼吸交替进行的一种异常呼吸现象。Abnormal respiration in which periods of shallow and deep breathing alternate.深呼吸运动有助于放鬆自己。Deep breathing exercises will help you relax.往手腕上抹熏衣草精油,轻拍手腕,深深呼吸几次。Dab lavender body oil on your wrist and sniff a few times.我今天要做多少次深呼吸?How many times am I going to do deep breathing today?要用深呼吸,完全地放鬆和完全地收缩。Adopt deep breathing deep relaxation and deep contraction.再次深呼吸,慢慢吸进,慢慢呼出。Take another deep breath inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly.我总是藉由缓慢的深呼吸来纾解紧张。I always take a slow deep breath to relieve tension.


作...深呼吸 take a deep breath; took a deep breath

作深呼吸 taken a deep breath

深呼吸 take a long breath

