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聪的英文翻译 聪英文怎幺说 聪的英文例句



    quick at hearing

quick [kwik]

    adj.快的,迅速的,敏捷的,急剧的,活泼的 adv.快 n.活人,生物,要点,本质,核心,感觉敏锐的部位

hearing [hiәriŋ]

    n.听力,听觉,听取意见,听讼 v.倾听

wise [waiz]

    adj.英明的,明智的,慎虑的,聪明的,博学的,明白的,贤明的,狡猾的 vi.知道 vt.告诉,劝导 n.方法,方式

clever [klevә(r)]



为达到自己的目标,人人都很聪明。Every one is witty for his own goal.休仗自己的聪明。Be wise enough to desist.修持礼拜文殊菩萨可增一切福德智慧,坚固记忆,令得聪辨。Majushree confers mastery of the dharma retentive memory mental perception and eloquence.一个聪明的二传手能通过变换进攻战术使对手摸不着头脑。A smart setter can constantly keep the opponents guessing by varying the attack tactics.一名机智聪慧的水手A mariner of infinite resource and sagacity以谨慎、虚心和聪明的自製力为特点。Marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint.因此法则就是:如果你是高度专业化人士,就加入工会,这是应该做的聪明事。So the rule of thumb is highly specialized then unionize. It's the smart thing to do.因为你是个聪明的小伙That's because you're a very smart guy.与其聪慧,不如快乐。Better be happy than wise.只要爱伦还在,或者她能找到一个比爱伦年纪大,比她更加聪明而又不知疲倦的女人,该多好啊!If there were only ellen someone older than she wiser and unweary to whom she could go!


不大聪明 weak in the head

事后聪明 be wise after the event

可太聪明啦 too clever by half; too sharp by half

小事聪明 penny wise and pound foolish

聪明 had something on the ball; have a lot on the ball; long head; understand trap

聪明反被聪明误 outsmart oneself; overreach oneself

聪明的 as sharp as a tack

聪明的行为 smooth move

自作聪明的 smart alec; smart aleck

自作聪明的人 smartie; smarty

靠耍小聪明过日子 live by one''s wits; live on one''s wits

