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匆的英文翻译 匆英文怎幺说 匆的英文例句




hurried [hʌrid]

    v.催促 adj.匆忙的

hasty [heisti]



她匆忙地穿上睡衣。She slipped into her nightdress.她住在病房里,寸步不离,除非是在夜间去匆匆休息几个小时。She lived in the sick-room never quitting it except to snatch a few hours'rest at night.我们不能匆忙办事,或者做出任何跟我们名声不相称的事。We must not act in haste or do anything unbeseeming my name.一吃完茶点,他就匆忙起身外出。Immediately he had finished tea he rose with alacrity to go out.医生带着药箱匆匆地看病人去了。The doctor hurriedly went to see the patient with her medicine chest.在上台前,她匆匆演练了一遍演讲词。She quickly ran over her speech before going on-stage.在深夜匆匆再予埋葬。Rebury hastily at dead of night.只有缺乏教养和北方佬化了的地方才会匆忙。It was ill bred and yankeefied to hurry.


不加思索地匆匆投入 jump in with both feet

从...处匆匆通过 skin put of

使...匆匆通过 rush through

匆促 in an abrupt manner

匆匆一看 cast an eye over

匆匆下结论 rush to conclusions

匆匆作成 bat out; batted out

匆匆做成 fling together; whoop up

匆匆写成 torn off

匆匆出发 post off

匆匆到达 belt up

匆匆去 bustle off to

匆匆去请 run for

匆匆吞咽 bolt down

匆匆地倒 slosh out

匆匆地做成 chuck together

匆匆地製作 clap together

匆匆地奔走于各处 race around

匆匆地穿上衣服等 tumble into

匆匆地翻阅 flick through; flip through

匆匆完成 whomp up

匆匆建造 threw up; thrown up

匆匆忙忙 in a rush; rece against the clock

匆匆忙忙地吃 dive in

匆匆把东西收拾好 throw together

匆匆拼凑成 threw together; thrown together

匆匆查看一下 cast an eye over

匆匆横穿街道 dash across

匆匆溜走 light out

匆匆离去 bundle away; hare off; lit out

