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辞职的英文翻译 辞职英文怎幺说 辞职的英文例句




    to resign

resign [ri'zain]

    n.辞去(职务) v.辞去,辞职


她辞职的一个意外后果是她的秘书也出人意料地离去了。A side-effect of her resignation was the unexpected departure of her secretary.她惯用以辞职相威胁的手法。She had often used the tactic of threatening to resign.她决定辞职不干了。She decided to pack in her job.我的打字员已辞职了。My typist has left me.我还不準备辞职。I'm not ready to step down yet.我们默许了他的辞职。We acquiesced in his resignation.我提交了辞职书。I handed in my resignation.我现在辞职当预备警官。I'm resigning my position as a reserve officer.我作为公司的地区销售经理,此刻向公司提出辞职,心情十分複杂。It is with mixed feelings that I submit my resignation as reginal sales manager for our company.一系列表面上无关的事件导致了他的辞职。A series of apparently unconnected events led to his resignation.


全体辞职 resign en bloc; resign from office

公务员辞职辞退制度 system of resignation and dismissal of civil servants

审查辞职请求权 right to review the application for resignation

引咎辞职 take the blame and resign

职工的辞退和辞职 dismissal and resignation of workers and staff

职工辞退和辞职 dismissal and resignation of workers and staff

被迫辞职 walk the plank

辞职 abdication; lay down an office; resign; retire from the service; send in my jacket; sent in his papers

辞职书 written resignation

辞职通知 notice of resignation

辞职通知书 notice of resignation

