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转回的英文翻译 转回英文怎幺说 转回的英文例句




    to turn back
    to put back

turn [tә:n]

    n.转动,旋转,转变方向,轮流,时机,(一)回,倾向,癖性 v.(使)转动,翻转,扭转,(使)变质,超过(年龄,数量等),车(成)

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持

put [put]

    vt.放,摆,安置,表达,迫使,移动,提出,赋予 vi.出发,航行,发芽,击 n.掷,投击,笨蛋,怪人 vbl.put的过去式和过去分词 adj.固定不动的


防御姿态转为狂暴姿态,拦截再转回防御姿态。In berserker stance: intercept then switch back to defensive stance.基于上述理由,我不建议引入集团亏损宽免和本年亏损转回的安排。I do not therefore propose to introduce any group loss relief or loss carry-back arrangements.我母亲让我转回到观景岭。My mother got me transferred back to view ridge.有时间转回身走下楼梯,Time to turn back and descend the stair这件事已转回给财政委员会处理。The matter was referred back to the finance committee.然后想像能量波正旋转回来大致一米和看见它停在那里。Then visualize the energy wave is spinning back about one meter and see it stop there.他们说他们不能站在数位化视频光上他们买的广告、但是转回电影追蹤者。They say they can't stand ads on the dvds they buy but rewind movie trailers.我击落他,然后转回,干掉他得僚机I chatter him turn back to get his wingman-


亏损转回 carry-back of losses

亏损转回退款 refund by carrying a loss back to a prior year

亏损转回退税 refund by carrying a loss back to a prior year

把...转回去 switch back

按亏损结转和转回规定的税收抵免待遇 loss carry back-carry forward credits

无限期转回 indefinite reversal

未使用税收抵免限额的转回和结转 unused credit carrybacks and carryovers

纳税时亏损转回 tax-loss carryback

转回 carry-back

转回分录 reversal entry

