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此时此刻的英文翻译 此时此刻英文怎幺说 此时此刻的英文例句




    at this very moment

very [veri]

    adv.很,甚,及其,非常,完全 adj.真正的,真实的,恰好的,绝对的,十足的,特别的

moment [mәumәnt]

    adj.片刻的,瞬间的,力矩的 n.瞬间


下星期此时此刻我正坐在希腊海滨呢。This time next week I shall be sitting on a beach in Greece.此时此刻显现在我脑海中的这个中东集市,其入口处是一座古老的砖石结构的哥特式拱门。The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a gothic-arched gateway of aged brick and stone.韩:但不是你此时此刻的优先。Lh: but not your preference at the moment.令人奇怪的是,此时此刻她却不合时宜地渴望吃上一块乳酪三明治。Now incongruously ridiculously she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich.我只感觉此时此刻突如其来的爱驱逐了我心中千年的孤独……At this moment I feel the sudden expulsion of the love of my lonely hearts of the millennium.教士,此时此刻你可有準备好死亡?Reverend are you prepared to die right now this instant?我们唯一真正拥有的是“当下”,此时此刻!The only thing we really have is nowness is now.

