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装车的英文翻译 装车英文怎幺说 装车的英文例句




    loading;car loading;entrucking

loading [lәudiŋ]


car [ka:(r)]



安装车窗玻璃滑动槽和皮带防水饰条密封。Install window glass channel and belt weatherstrip seals.安装车窗框的新附加密封件。Install new additional seal for window frame.负责机加工车间和组装车间工艺技术施工工作。In charge of the technical and quantity surveyor in machining workshop and assembling workshop.该车应在侧面和后部安装车身反光标识。Should put automobile body reflection marking at side face and back.


井架安装车 derrick erecting truck

包装车间 packing department

卸船装车 ex-ship to rail

吊装车 slingcart

地图图库装车台 outgoing platform

安装车间 n. rigging shop

带式装车机 belt loader

成材装车工 n. dock man

成组装车 car loading by groups

拆卸装车 knocked down in carloads

推车装车工 car pincher

无车立柱装车法 loading without car stake

旬间装车计画 ten day car loading plan

木材装车 log loading

架杆装车机 A-frame loader

涂装车间 paint shop

火炮拆装车 gun disassembly and assembly service vehicle

煤炭分层装车法 layer loading

直接卸向装车 direct ship-to wagon working

直接卸船装车 direct ship-to-wagon working

组装车间 assembly shop; assembling plant; assembling department; composing shop

装车地点 point of loading

装车场 landing

装车数 number of car loadings

装车机 car loader

装车架 loading shelf

装车清单 list of loaded wagons

装车绞盘机 loading winch

装车设备 car loading facilities

装车调整 adjustment of car loading

