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辞退的英文翻译 辞退英文怎幺说 辞退的英文例句




    to dismiss
    to discharge
    to fire

dismiss [dis'mis]

    vt.解散,下课,开除,解职,使(或让)离开 vi.解散

discharge [distʃa:dʒ]

    vt.卸下,放出,清偿(债务),履行(义务),解雇,开(炮),放(枪),射(箭) vi.卸货,流注 n.卸货,流出,放电


他因不称职而遭辞退He was dismissed for incompetence.你照这样下去就让他们找到辞退你的理由了。If you continue to behave like this you will give them/provide them with grounds for dismissing you.把保姆辞退实在是一件可悲的事情。It is surely a lamentable state of affairs when a nurse has to go elsewhere to find a job.我辞退了那位年老的乡下人,隐姓埋名地呆了三、四天。I dismissed my old man here and stayed incognito for three or four days.要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.要幺你改进上作,要幺我们就辞退你。Either you must improve your work or we shall dismiss you.列根辞退控制员后便衰老了Since reagan fired the controllers he's been completely senile.你会很快收到辞退通知的。You'll get your marching orders pretty soon.三日后,他给我辞退书。Then three days after that he gave me my walking papers.总统的辞退真的是令人震撼的事。The president's resignation was a real zinger.


公务员辞职辞退制度 system of resignation and dismissal of civil servants

职工的辞退和辞职 dismissal and resignation of workers and staff

职工辞退和辞职 dismissal and resignation of workers and staff

被辞退 gotten the sack

辞退 cast; discharge; dismiss; lay off discharge; dismiss

辞退职工 dismiss workers; discharge workers; retire clerks

辞退金 dismissal compensation

