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折现的英文翻译 折现英文怎幺说 折现的英文例句



[shé xiàn]

    to discount

discount [diskaunt]




什一税折现法 Tithe Commutation Act

可折现 discountable

複利折现公式 compound amount formula

应收帐款贴现,应收帐款折现 accounts receivable discounted; discounting of accounts receivable; discounted accounts receivable

折现 discounting; discount

折现净效益成本比率 discounted net benefit-cost ratio

折现率 discount rate

折现的现金流量 discounted cash flow DCF)

折现的现金流量收益 discounted cash flow yield

折现係数 discount coefficient; discount factor; coefficient of converting future funds into the amount of present funds

收益折现法 time-adjusted-return method

按风险调整的折现率 risk adjusted discount rate

按风险额调整的折现率 risk-adjusted discount rate

无风险利率,无风险贴现率,无风险折现率 risk-free rate of interest; risk-free rate

未折现净效益成本比率 undiscounted net-benefit-cost ratio

残值折现值 present worth of salvage

现金收支折现法 discount cash flow

社会折现率 quantitative estimate of the investments put in projects by society

累计折现係数 accumulated coefficient for converting present value; accumulative discount coefficient

试验折现率 test discount rate

调整折现将来工资法 adjusted discounted future wages method

风险调正折现率 risk adjusted discount rate

