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射门得分的英文翻译 射门得分英文怎幺说 射门得分的英文例句



[shè mén défēn]

    to score a goal;field goal

score [skɔ:(r)]

    n.得分,乐谱,抓痕,二十,终点线,刻痕,帐目,起跑线 vt.把...记下,刻划,划线,获得,评价 vi.记分,刻痕,得分

goal [gәul]


field [fi:ld]

    n.原野,旷野,领域,(一块)田地,牧场,域,战场,运动场 vt.把(穀物等)暴晒于场上,使上场 vi.担任场外队员 adj.田间的,野生的,野外的,田赛的 扫描场


他带球越过守门员射门得分He dribbled (the ball) past the goalie to score.他射门得分时, 显然并未越位。He was definitely onside when he scored that goal.他一次罚球得分, 两次触地后射门得分(在橄榄球赛中)。He kicked a penalty goal and two conversions, ie in Rugby football.球进了--我们射门得分!It's in we've got a goal!场上射门得分是在不间断的比赛过程中直接射门所得的分。A field goal is a goal scored from open continuous play.球刚好在球门口的前方划过,但无人可以够得着它射门得分。The ball passed right across the front of the goalmouth but no one could get a touch on it to score.他带球越过守门员射门得分。He dribbled past the goalie to score.他一次罚球得分,两次触地后射门得分。He kicked a penalty goal and two conversions.他在中线位置射门得分。He scored from the halfway line.最后一种得分方式叫做射门得分。The last of the three is known as a field goal.他把球踢给队友,后者射门得分。He kicked the ball to his team-mate who then scored the goal.他一次罚球得分,两次触地后射门得分。He kicked a penalty goal and two conversions ie in rugby football.他以惊人的效率射门得分,无论是远射还是通过在禁区内完美的跑位。He has scored goals at a superb rate either by long-range shooting or well-timed runs into the box.

