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    whoosh (onomatopoeia)

whoosh [wuʃ]

    n.飞快的移动 v.(使)飞快移动 int.(飞速行进等发出的声音)嗖,呼,咳

onomatopoeia [ɔnәmætә'pi:ә]



一个种;叶柄具刺齿的几种棕榈的任一种。One species: saw palmetto.一位18世纪的讽刺作家对这一动乱时期作了评论。An eighteenth century satirist reviewed the troublesome period.一种肥大的刺水母或水母A large sea nettle or medusa.一种具有三个刺的矛。A spear with three prongs.一种在刺绣时用的成簇的绳索。A soft tufted cord used in embroidery.中国一度有被刺痛的感觉。China was once as prickly.主要成分:牛奶精华、婴儿润肤乳液、芦荟提取液、去离子纯净水,全棉柔韧水刺布。Ingredient: milk baby skincare softener aloe extract deionized pure water soft non-woven fabric.


三刺激值 tristimulus values

三刺鱼叉 trident

三色刺激值 tristimulus value

三重刺网 trammel net

上颌窦刺穿针 antrum trocar

上颌窦穿刺沖洗术 puncture and irrigation of maxillary sinus

与...以刺激 provide a stimulus to

丝光刺绣棉线 perle cotton

丝绒刺金手提包 velvet handbag embroidered with golden thread

中世纪刺绣 medieval embroidery

中国刺绣 Chinese embroidery

主壳刺 cardinal spine

交合刺 spicule

交合刺囊 spicular sac, spicular pouch

交合刺鞘 spicular sheath

产卵刺激素 oviposition stimulant産卵刺激素

人物刺绣挂屏 embroidered hanging scroll with figure painting

以尖物刺住 impale on; impale upon

休刺管壁 n. stud tube wall

伤害性刺激 noxious stimulation

体刺 armature体刺

使...有刺激性 jazz up

使刺激 excite with

使感到刺骨般地冷 nip someone to the bone; nip to

俄罗斯艺术刺绣 Russian embroidery

信号刺激 token stimulus信号刺激

光刺激 light stimulus

光刺激器 photic stimulator

光头刺骨针 crown spine

六角网眼刺绣 tulle embroidery

