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brick [brik]



小块长方形的砖砌路面。A little rectangle of brick paving.修缮教室用的砖、沙和石灰。Bricks sand and lime for the schoolroom.一个很大的红砖房A big redbrick house.一小块上面放有椅子的长方形铺砖路面。A little rectangle of bricked paving with chairs.园子里堆满了砖。The whole garden was stacked with bricks.周围镶有瓷砖的壁炉。A fireplace with a tiled surround作为你实现自己真正愿望的敲门砖As more of a stepping stone to something you really wanted


丁砖层 course of headers

上釉地砖 glazed floor tile

上釉马赛克瓷砖 glazed ceramic mosaic tile

专用磨砖机 special brick grinder

丹多盛钢桶用砖 Dando brick

人造树胶铺地砖 koroseal floor tile

仿琢石面砖 ashlsr brick

仿石砖 ashlar brick

低水分砖料成型机 stiff-plastic brickmaking machine

低温砖 soft brick

低级耐火粘土砖 low-duty fireclay brick

侧砌砖 brick on edge

全面用砖砌 brick over

六角地砖 hexagon floor tile

内贴砖 interior tile

霜淇淋砖 ice cream brick ice cream briquette ice cream bar

冰砖 brick of icecream

凸砖层 string course

凹槽砖 frog brick

切砖机 brick cutter brick cutting saw masonry saw

刚玉砖 corundum brick

制砖机 brick molding machine; brick press

制砖机组 brick making machine unit

制砖泥土 brick clay

制砖瓦者 tiler

制砖生产成套设备 complete set of equipment for brick making

制砖用土 brick earth

制砖粘土 adobe clay

制砖设备 brick equipment

剖半砖 split brick; splitbrick

