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    junior high school

junior [dʒu:niә(r)]

    n.年少者,晚辈,下级,(年龄、职位等)较低者,大学三年级学生 adj.年少的,下级的,后进的

high [hai]

    n.高度,高处 adj.高的,高原的,高等的,高音的,傲慢的,高尚的,昂贵的,严重的 adv.高度地,奢侈地,高价地

school [sku:l]

    n.学校,学院,学习,授课,求学,全体学生,学派 vt.锻炼,教育


我现在在南开中学初中三年级上学。I am studying in grade three at nankai junior middle school.在我初中毕业的时候。At my junior high school graduation.这有所有从其他初中From the other junior high.初中毕业以后,他上了中等技术学校,在那里他学成为一名汽车修理工。After junior high school he went to a trade school where he learned to be an auto mechanic.高中老师与初中老师相似吗?Are senior high teachers similar to junior high teachers?芒特佛农初中“炼钢工”队的教练I'm the coach man of the mount vernon smelters.芒特佛农初中的校长Principal mount vernon junior h-幸运的是,我在小学和初中时都接受了演讲治疗。Thankfully my grade school and junior high school both offered free speech therapy.摘要目的:考察初中留守儿童社会支援的来源、性别、年级和留守时间等方面的特点。Objective: to explore the social support characteristics of left-home-kids in junior middle school.

