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出狱的英文翻译 出狱英文怎幺说 出狱的英文例句




    leave prison

leave [li:v]

    n.许可,同意,请假,休假 vt.离开,动身,剩下,遗忘,委託,遗弃 vi.出发,离开,生叶,动身

prison [priz(ә)n]



在获释的每个犯人出狱的头几个月里,派人对其监视是明智的。It's wise to stake out each freed prisoner for a few months after he gets out of prison.8个月后上诉人被特许出狱。The appellant will be released on licence after eight months.把你和垃圾男友们弄出狱You and one of your junky boyfriends out of jail?等你出狱了,你应该去加里克剧院的When you get out of prison have yourself wheeled to the garrick theater.出狱以后就没见他But I ain't seen him since he got out of walpole.美国一家法院让卡里莱斯交保出狱,等候对他有关移民指控的审判。U.s.court released posada carriles on bail pending a trial on immigration charges.头几个月对释放出狱的罪犯进行监视是明智的。It's wise to stake out each freed prisoner for the first few months after he gets out of prison.


假出狱 parole

出狱 be discharged from prison

出狱人保护组织 protective organization for discharged persons from prison

出狱囚犯保护所 home for discharged prisoners

出狱者 ex-convict

出狱证明 prison discharge certificate

满期出狱者 expiree

讨保出狱 be bailed out; be released on bail

