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出油的英文翻译 出油英文怎幺说 出油的英文例句




    produce oil

produce [prɔdju:s]

    n.产物,农产品 vt.提出,出示,生产,製造,结(果实),引起,招致,创作

oil [ɔil]

    n.油,石油,油类 vt.给(机器等)加油,上油,涂油


油箱的裂缝漏出油来了。Oil is seeping out through a crack in the tank.你能指出油炸圈饼吗?Can you point to the donut?加热后能分解出油的叶岩。Shale from which oil can be obtained by heating.石油观测玻璃安装于出油管的顶部。A top mounted oil sight glass is present in the oil outlet pipe.这个生物居住在地下,在它粘滑的身体内注满了油。有时候它会喷出油来攻击敌人。This creature lives underground.its slimy body is full of oil.attacks by.


井出油 oil outflow

出油口 n. oil port

出油管定位架 flowline alignment structure

出油管导向喇叭口 flowline guide funnel

出油管支撑浮筒 flowline support buoy

出油管线 flow line, lead line

出油管线回路 flowline loop

出油管线定位栓 flowline position latch

出油管线对中结构 flowline alignment structure

出油管连接器 flowline connector

出油管道 flowline

出油量 oil pump capacity

出油阀 delivery valve

出油阀偶件 delivery valve matching parts

出油阀座 delivery valve seat

出油阀弹簧 oil outlet valve spring

榨出油 expressed oil

水下出油管线 subsea flowline, SFL

溢出油吸收器 oil spill aspirator

石油会计中只计算出油井钻探费的会计 successful-effort accounting

逸出油类 escape of oil

逸出油类的事故 accident of an escape of oil

逸出油类的威胁 threat of an escape of oil

铰接出油管橇块 articulated flowline skid

馏出油 distillate oil

井下工具可通过型出油管回路 through flowline loop, TFL loop

