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储蓄存款的英文翻译 储蓄存款英文怎幺说 储蓄存款的英文例句



[chǔxù cúnkuǎn]

    savings deposit;deposit account

savings [seiviŋz]


deposit [di'pɔzit]

    n.堆积物,沉澱物,存款,押金,保证金,存放物 vt.存放,堆积 vi.沉澱


人民币储蓄存款业务、代理信用卡的代收代付业务。Rmb savings deposit business the collection agent on behalf of the credit card payment business.我把一些钱存到储蓄存款帐户。I deposit some money in my savings account.我的储蓄存款户头目前赚取二厘利息。My savings account currently earns2% interest.我需要储蓄存款帐户及支票存款帐户吗?Do I need a savings account and a checking account?我要从我的储蓄存款帐户提取二百美金。I want to withdraw two hundred us dollars from my savings account.我在这里有储蓄存款户头。I have a savings account here.我在这银行开了储蓄存款帐户。I have a savings account at that bank.


保证金储蓄存款 margin deposit for security

储蓄存款 saving deposits

储蓄存款余额 balance of deposits

储蓄存款折 passbook saving withdrawals; savings passbook

共同储蓄存款 co operative savings

在发工资时扣存的储蓄存款 save as you earn SAYE)

存摺储蓄存款 passbook savings deposit

定期储蓄存款 fixed savings deposit

年金储蓄存款 annuity savings deposits

提取储蓄存款 dissaving

活期储蓄存款 current saving account

转帐储蓄存款 transfer savings deposit

通知储蓄存款 savings at call

银行储蓄存款法 bank deposits and savings law; law on bank deposits and savings

银行储蓄存款的增加数 increase in savings deposits in banks

零星储蓄存款 small saving accounts

