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住嘴的英文翻译 住嘴英文怎幺说 住嘴的英文例句



[zhù zuǐ]

    to hold one's tongue
    Shut up!

hold [hәuld]

    n.把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱 vt.拿着,保存,支援,佔据,持有,拥有 vi.支持,保持,有效 n.控制,保留

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

tongue [tʌŋ]

    n.舌头,舌状物,语言,说话方式,口语 vt.舔,闲谈,斥责 vi.吹管乐器

shut [ʃʌt]



她用一只手捂住嘴。She put her hand to her mouth.住嘴, 你这个娘儿们!Shut up, woman!住嘴!Shut your trap!喂, 住嘴, 你这个傻瓜!Oh, shut up, you fool!那个家伙唠唠叨叨地讲个不停,不肯住嘴。The fellow kept babbling away and would not hold his tongue.住嘴!我们不听你的胡说八道。Hold your tongue. We won't listen to your nonsense.我说话的时候,请住嘴。Hold you tongue while I'm talking.住嘴!你简直胡说八道。Shut up! You're just talking nonsense.住嘴! 他喊着, "卫兵!把她带走。带回888号监狱去。""Be quiet!" he said. "Guards! Take her away. Back to888."打起精神,闭住嘴。Just keep your dauber up and your mouth shut.住嘴!我已告诉你不要顶嘴。Be quiet! I've told you not to answer back.住嘴,没有人因为这责怪劳动党。Hoid your horses.nobody biames the labor party for this.我会住嘴的。。And I will shut up...


住嘴 gone to bed; pack it up; went to bed

住嘴不说 breeze off

咬住嘴唇 bit her lip; bit her lips; bit his lip; bit his lips; bit my lip; bit my lips; bit our lip; bit our lips; bit their lip; bit their lips; bit your lip; bit your lips; bite her lip; bite her lips; bite his lip; bite his lips; bite my lip

封住嘴巴的贿赂 hush money

突然住嘴 catch herself; catch himself; catch myself; catch ourselves; catch theirselves; catch yourself; catch yourselves; caught herself; caught himself; caught myself; caught ourselves; caught themselves; caught yourself; caught yourselves

