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tongue [tʌŋ]

    n.舌头,舌状物,语言,说话方式,口语 vt.舔,闲谈,斥责 vi.吹管乐器


她伸出了她的舌头。She sticks out her tongue.同蝇科昆虫极其相近的昆虫;舌蝇。Flies closely related to the muscidae: tsetse flies.一顶饰有红色绒球的黑色编织鸭舌帽。A black knitted cap with a red pom-pom.一个来自塞舌耳群岛的艺术家第一次在北京的个展。Beijing's first solo exhibition by an artist from the seychelles.一瓶龙舌兰酒?Bottle of tequila perhaps?一天,老师问彼得:“4减4等于几?”彼得张口结舌答不上来。One day the teacher inquired peter: "how much is four minus four?" Peter was tongue-tied.医生叫他把舌头伸出来。The doctor asked him to stick his tongue out.


上背舌叶 supranotoligule

上舌支 superior lingular branch

上舌段 superior lingular segmentSIV)

上舌段 superior lingular segmentSIV)

上舌段支气管 superior lingular bronchusBIV)

上舌段支气管 superior lingular bronchusBIV)

上舌骨 epihyal bone

下凹水舌 depressed nappe

下背舌叶 infra-notoligule

下舌支 inferior lingular branch

下舌段 inferior lingular segmentSV)

下舌段 inferior lingular segmentSV)

下舌段支气管 inferior lingular bronchusBV)

下舌段支气管 inferior lingular bronchusBV)

下舌骨 hypohyal bone

下颌小舌 mandibular lingula

下颌舌骨沟 mylohyoid groove

下颌舌骨肌 mylohyoid

下颌舌骨肌支 mylohyoid branch

下颌舌骨肌神经 mylohyoid nerve

下颌舌骨肌线 mylohyoid line

专用舌针针织机 limited-purpose latch needle machine

中唇舌 glossa複 glossae)中舌

中舌瓣 flabellum中舌瓣

二裂舌 bifid tongue

伪箕舌线 pseudo witch

侧唇舌 paraglossa侧舌

侧舌间裂 alarima侧舌间缝

内舌止动垫圈 internal tab washer

冰川舌 glacier tongue

