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出声的英文翻译 出声英文怎幺说 出声的英文例句




    to utter
    to give voice

utter [ʌtә(r)]

    adj.全然的,绝对的 vt.发出,做声,发表,发射,流通

give [giv]

    n.弹性,可弯性 vt.给,授予,供给,献出,让步,引起,发表,捐助 vi.捐赠,让步

voice [vɔis]

    n.声音,嗓音,发音能力,意见,发言权,[语法]语态 vt.表达,吐露


发音通过声带振动来发出声音To pronounce with vibration of the vocal cords.喝汤不可发出声音。You may not slurp your soup.喝汤发出声音是不礼貌的。It is impolite to slurp your soup.华尔脱•密蒂伸出手来轻轻一挥,吵吵嚷嚷的律师便不出声了。Walter mitty raised his hand briefly and the bickering attorneys were stilled.理查出声地喝奶昔。Richard slurped the milkshake noisily.那军官厉声发出声音。Rap the officer rapped out the orders.请参阅安装或取出音效卡。See install or remove a sound card.通过簧片发出声音的乐器。A musical instrument that sounds by means of a reed.无声的,清辅音的不通过声带振动发出声音的,如辅音t和pUttered without vibration of the vocal cords as the consonants t and p.站着别动,别出声。Don` t move and phonate just stand.站着别动,不要出声!Stand still and be quiet!这个唱片完美地放出声音。This record reproduces every sound perfectly.


不出声 held my breath; hold my breath

出声 above her breath; above his breath; above my breath; above our breath; above their bresth; above your breath

出声思维 thinking aloud

出声语言 spoken language

发出声音的人 sounder

由...处传出声音 resound from

边想边说出声 think aloud

