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杀伤的英文翻译 杀伤英文怎幺说 杀伤的英文例句




    to kill and injure

kill [kil]


injure [indʒә(r)]

    vt.损害,伤害 v.伤害


低杀伤力是唯一的标记Underkill's a unique signature.放下你们大规模的杀伤性武器Give up your weapons of mass destruction.国防军闪电学42型突击榴弹炮对步兵的杀伤範围略增。Wehrmacht stuh42weapon does marginally increased area damage to infantry.抗体能攻击和杀伤侵入伤口的微生物。The antibodies attack and slaughter the invading microbe in the cut.快速引爆是一个点引爆引信,用于高爆弹和白磷弹,可有效杀伤站立或卧倒的人员,装甲和未加固车辆。Fuze quick is a point-detonating fuze and is used with he and wp projectiles.杀伤炸弹和凝固汽油弹之类的武器,应予禁止。Weapons such as fragmentation bombs and napalm should be banned.苏拉明联合顺铂杀伤人骨肉瘤细胞mg-63的实验研究The effects of suramin combined with cisplatin on human osteosarcoma mg-63携带杀伤性武器是违法的。It's illegal to carry an offensive weapon.野鼬鼠地空导弹的杀伤物Wild weasel "sam killer"子母弹是一种大规模杀伤性武器。Shrapnel is a weapon of mass destruction.


他杀伤 homicidal injury; homicidal wound

原子杀伤 atomic damage

大规模杀伤 mass destruction

天然杀伤细胞 natural killer cell, NK cell

放射性辐射杀伤作用 radioactivity baneful effect

杀伤 inflict casualties on; kill and wound

杀伤作用 damaging effect

杀伤力 killing power

杀伤半径 lethal radius

杀伤弹 personnel projectile

杀伤淋巴细胞 killer cell

杀伤界 hitting space

杀伤细胞 killer cell, K cell

淋巴因数启动的杀伤细胞 lymphokine-activated killer cell, LAK cell简称"LAK"。

自杀伤 suicidal wound

自然杀伤淋巴细胞 nature killer cell

自然杀伤细胞 natural killer cell, NK cell简称"NK细胞"。

