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出生的英文翻译 出生英文怎幺说 出生的英文例句




    to be born

born [bɔ:n]

    adj.天生的,原本,天生就...的 vbl.出生


他的两个雇工协助接生员,于是孩子就出生了。Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born.他是在海上出生的。He was born at sea.他在1919年出生于一个贫困家庭,后来成为加州大学洛杉矶分校的明星球员。Born into a poor family in1919 he later became a star athlete at ucla.他準备为祖国献出生命。He was ready to die for his country.亚历山大就在战火中出生于佩拉It was from these loins of war that alexander was born in pella.一个过早地出生的人。An infant that is born prematurely.


世界人口出生率 world fertility

世界人口出生率,世界生育率 world fertility

中点出生率 central birthrate

人口出生率 fertility rate; fertility; proportion of births to population

人口总出生率 crude birth rate

公民出生 birth of a citizen

农村出生率 rural birth rate

出生 nativity

出生、死亡和婚姻登记 registration of births; deaths and marriages

出生与死亡差额 balance of births and deaths

出生于 born in

出生住所 domicile of orgin

出生公民资格 citizenship by birth

出生公证 notarization of birth

出生创伤 birth injury

出生前 prenatal

出生前发育 prenatal development,embryonic development又称"胚胎发育"。

出生后 postnatal

出生后免疫 postnatal immunity

出生后发育 postnatal development

出生和死亡的统计 vital statistics

出生国 country-of-birth basis

出生国籍 nationality by law

出生在国外的 foreign born

出生地 natal place; place of birth

出生地主义 jus soli

出生地法院 forum originis

出生年 year of birth

出生日期 birthdate; date of birth

出生时的住所 domicile of origin

