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    a little
    a few

little [lit(ә)l]

    n.少许,一会儿,短时间 adj.很少的,矮小的,短暂的,琐碎的 adv.很少,稍微,完全不

few [fju:]

    adj.很少的,不多的,少数的 n.[表示否定]很少数,几乎没有


放入蒜及百里香炒拌1分钟,洒上少许西班牙辣椒粉。Add garlic and thyme saute for1minute and sprinkle with some spanish paprika.加入汤中的少许胡椒麵A dash of pepper in the soup加水果糖浆和少许磷酸的碳酸饮料。Carbonated drink with fruit syrup and a little phosphoric acid.麻油、胡椒粉少许;Dash of sesame oil and pepper;请在我的牛奶里放少许白糖。Please put a small quantity of sugar in my milk.他们发现一名患者的病毒与多瘤病毒有少许类似。They found signs in one patient of a virus with limited similarity to polyoma viruses.她身上仅带了少许的钱,在英格兰中部荒原上四处漂泊徒劳地求职。Taking just a little money with her she wanders about the midland moors vainly seeking employment.用料:燕窝一至二盏,鲜椰浆、鲜奶或淡奶各三汤匙,冰糖少许。Ingredient: one or two bird's nests about3spoons amount of coconut milk or milk a few of rock candy.


以少许之差领前 nose ahead

少许 some few; some little

少许的机会 half a chance

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