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    a little bit

little [lit(ә)l]

    n.少许,一会儿,短时间 adj.很少的,矮小的,短暂的,琐碎的 adv.很少,稍微,完全不

bit [bit]

    n.小块,少量,片刻,马嚼子,辅币 vt.上马嚼子,控制 vbl.咬 n.[计]位,比特


她今天稍微好一些。She had slightly better today.我们的屋顶稍微倾斜。Our roof has a slight slant.用于外科防腐手术的带有稍微颜色的水晶状的粉末;硫柳汞是它的商标。A light-colored crystalline powder used as a surgical antiseptic; merthiolate is the trademark.于是我调整节流阀,只比失速时稍微快一点。So I throttled back to just above stalling speed.远来的女客开始谈她的身世,不过谈得稍微与实际情况有些出入。The traveller told her story with slight modifications.在维侬有家维侬大和餐厅很不错,但是稍微远一点。There is a good one at vernal yamato in vernal but it's a bit far from here.这部电影让稍微过分甜蜜的情感给毁了。The film is spoilt by a slightly treacly sentimentality.这些苹果的表面稍微有点儿像蜡。These apples have a slightly waxy skin.这种酒稍微甜了一点,我不喜欢。This wine is a bit syrupy for my liking.只是稍微改动一下计画表Just making a few changes to the schedule.资料让我想起欧版的雅阁旅行车。稍微高一些,但看起来很象。Profile reminds me of the euro accord wagon. A little taller but looks very much like it.


情况稍微好一些 have a bit better time of it

稍微 somewhat

稍微减少 made a dent in

稍微实践一下 with a little practice

稍微改变 made a dent in

稍微浸入 dip in

稍微离开 lie off

稍微置 somewhat

