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啜的英文翻译 啜英文怎幺说 啜的英文例句



    to drink
    to taste
    to sip

drink [driŋk]

    n.饮料,酒,酗酒,一口(或一些)饮料 v.喝,喝酒,(植物、土壤等的)吸水,举杯庆贺

taste [teist]

    v.品尝,辨味,(of)有 ...味道,领略 vt.体验,感到 n.味道,味觉


希望啜饮一杯鸡尾酒,就表示喝酒的人也沾染了它的特质。And sipping a cocktail hopefully conveyed that the drinker shared its attributes.不是~,不可能的。志贵的腿在发抖。伸长了耳朵,他听见了遥远的猫的啜泣声。Nah can't be. Shiki's legs tremble.straining his eays he hears the mewl of a distant cat.她啜饮一口鸡尾酒。She took a sip of the cocktail.她几乎在啜泣了。Her voice became almost a sob.她一边拭去泪珠,一边啜了一口巧克力奶。Wiping a tear away she took a sip.我听得见她在啜泣。I could hear her sobbing.我邀请你和我啜饮L invite you to sup with me.小泯一口。每次一小啜。Sip it. A little at a time.亚历山大从粉红色瓷杯里啜茶。Alexander sipped tea from roseate china.在母亲的住处,他整日啜饮着台湾乌龙茶。He spent his days sipping taiwan oolong in his mother's apartment.这茶很烫,啜饮时要小心。This tea is very hot so sip it carefully.这啜满了露酒的麝香蔷薇,The coming musk-rose full of dewy wine


大口啜饮 sip up

