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稍后的英文翻译 稍后英文怎幺说 稍后的英文例句




    in a little while
    in a moment
    later on

little [lit(ә)l]

    n.少许,一会儿,短时间 adj.很少的,矮小的,短暂的,琐碎的 adv.很少,稍微,完全不

while [wail; (-) hwail]

    n.一会儿,时间 conj.当...的时候,虽然 vt.消磨 prep.直到

moment [mәumәnt]

    adj.片刻的,瞬间的,力矩的 n.瞬间


传输服务正忙。请稍后再试。The transport service is currently busy.try again later.关于你的薪水,我们稍后会做出决定。Respecting your salary we shall come to a decision.莫拉人民稍后改变心意,并指派两位滑雪高手请回瓦萨。The people of mora changed their minds and sent their two best skiers to bring vasa back.屏外绘画缓冲区稍后将被複製到萤幕上。The offscreen painting buffer will later be copied onto the screen.请稍后再次尝试使用。netpassport服务。Please try using passport service again later.请稍后再次尝试使用passport服务。Please try using the passport service again later.稍后,检查显示了皮下出现了小瘤Later palpation reveals small subcutaneous nodules.稍后被带到一艘土星侦察机和母船上。Later lie is conveyed in both a saturnian scout and a saturnian mother ship.它从零值开始,并在稍后于波阵面处增长到最大值。It starts with zero and grows to a maximum slightly behind the wave front.我将稍后提供实例rdf的相应更新。I ll present corresponding updates to the instance rdf below.我稍后和你结帐好吗?Can I settle up with you later?我现在很忙,挂线稍后再打。I'm very busy.please ring off and call me later.香港教区稍后拟定的有关守则,也会交由教廷核准。Likewise our diocese will submit its norms to the holy see for approval at a later date.


稍后 further along

稍后一些 futher along

