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助听器的英文翻译 助听器英文怎幺说 助听器的英文例句



[zhù tīng qì]

    hearing aid

hearing [hiәriŋ]

    n.听力,听觉,听取意见,听讼 v.倾听

aid [eid]

    n.帮助,援助,帮助者,有帮助的事物;vt.资助,援助,帮助;Association Identifier,相关标识


那是我的助听器That's my hearing aid!你需要一个助听器。You need a hearing aid.你需要助听器吗?Do you need a hearing aid?你要是聋子,就去找个助听器吧!You're deaf you get a hearing aid!女孩需要一副助听器。The girl needs a hearing-aid.他不好意思去戴助听器To vain to wear his hearing aid.他戴着助听器。He wears a hearing aid.我们认为那是助听器We think it's a hearing aid.这个助听器是我妻子的,不是我的。This hearing-aid is my wife's not mine.耳塞,听筒,电话接收器或助听器上嵌入耳中或附着在耳上的部分。Earpiece: a part as of a telephone receiver or hearing aid that fits in or is held next to the ear.耳塞电话接收器或助听器上嵌入耳中或附着在耳上的部分A part as of a telephone receiver or hearing aid that fits in or is held next to the ear.目的探讨助听器对耳鸣的治疗作用。Objective to observe the effects of hearing aid on the treatment of tinnitus.


交联助听器 contralateral routing of signals aid, CROS aid

体佩助听器 body-worn hearing aid

助听器 osophone

助听器放大器 hearing aid amplifier

助听器测试箱 hearing aid test box

助听器用混合微电路 hearing aid hybrids

助听器程式 audio helper

双交联助听器 bilateral contralateral routing of signals aid, BICROS aid

电助听器 electric hearing aid

空气传导助听器 air conduction hearing aid

耳内助听器 in-the-ear hearing aid, ITE

耳后助听器 behind-the-ear hearing aid, BTE

耳级助听器 ear level hearing aid

耳道内助听器 in-the-canal hearing aid, ITC

聋哑人用助听器 hearing aid for the deaf

触觉助听器 teletactor

集体助听器 group hearing aid

