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珊瑚的英文翻译 珊瑚英文怎幺说 珊瑚的英文例句





coral [kɔr(ә)l; (-) 'kɔ:rәl]



石质生物一种具有石质结构的生物,象珊瑚An organism such as coral that has a stony structure.天然红珊瑚枝,用台玉和珊瑚点缀,富有中国红的传统特色。Red coral tree brooch red coral tree brooch.香菇金丝、菊花髮菜、珊瑚燕窝... Fragrant mushrooms chrysanthemum moss hair bird's nest...像这头加勒比海珊瑚鲨Sharks iike this caribbean reef shark...咬下珊瑚,或是取出生物和微粒Others pick off little organisms and particles with the utmost delicacy.在北苏拉威西岛,居民们已清理了有害的蔓延类珊瑚礁。In northern sulawesi citizens have cleared coral reefs of harmful invasive species在这株海扇上,有2只“珊瑚虫”不像珊瑚虫On the surface of this sea fan there are two polyps that are not polyps.


佛手珊瑚 caryophyllia

六射珊瑚 hexacoral

单体珊瑚 solitary coral

卵生珊瑚虫 oozooid

原生珊瑚体 founder polyp

四射珊瑚 tetracoral, rugose coral又称"皱壁珊瑚"。

複体珊瑚 compound coral

床板珊瑚 tabulate coral又称"横板珊瑚"。

浅滩珊瑚礁 reef bank

珊瑚 coral

珊瑚丘 coral knoll

珊瑚个体 corallite

珊瑚体 corallum

珊瑚冠 anthocodia

珊瑚冠公式 anthocodial formula

珊瑚冠柱 anthostele

珊瑚冠类别 anthocodial grade

珊瑚割伤 coral cuts

珊瑚单体 corallite

珊瑚岛 coral island

珊瑚暗礁 coral shoal

珊瑚杯 calice

珊瑚树 sweet viburnum, Viburnum odoratissimum Ker-Gawl.又称"法国冬青"。

珊瑚洲 coral rag

珊瑚港 coral harbor

珊瑚灰岩 coral limestone

珊瑚状白内障 coralliform cataract

珊瑚玫瑰色布 coral rose colour cloth

珊瑚环礁 coral atoll

珊瑚砂 coral sand由珊瑚、贝壳等碎屑组成的生物堆积物。

