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    act in a (official or personal) capacity

act [ækt]

    n.幕,法案,法令,动作,举动,节目,(戏剧的)幕 vi.行动,产生...的效果,担当,表演,假装,表现,见效 vt.扮演,装作

official [ә'fiʃ(ә)l; (-) 'ɔ:f-]

    n.官员,公务员 adj.职务上的,公务的,官方的,正式的

personal [pә:sәn(ә)l]

    adj.私人的,个人的,亲自的,容貌的,身体的,人身的,针对个人的 adj.[语法]人称的

capacity [kә'pæsiti]



5在选举酋长时,胞族议事会也出面参预。5.the Council of the phratry also played a part in the election of a sachem.从圈闭顶部到溢出面的垂直距离称为圈闭的幅度。The vertical distance from crest to spill plane is the closure of the trap.父亲出面干预,不准我去露营。Father stepin and forbade me to go camping.是我,我认为你应该出面一下It's me. I think you ought to make an appearance.我是一个不出面的合伙人。I'm a silent partner.一旦出现俄方的非正常干扰,可以由该机构出面解决。Once russia's non-interference with the normal by the body would be resolved.


不出面合伙人 silent partner

企业的出面人物,企业的挂名负责人 front-line man

出面 made an appearance; made appearance; make an appearance; make appearance; maken an appearance; maken appearance; makes an appearance; makes appearance; put in an appearance; put in appearance; puts in an appearance; puts in appearance

出面合伙人 public partner

出面大樑 fascia beam

出面挡土墙 face wall; fasxia wall

出面石 facing stone

