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触觉的英文翻译 触觉英文怎幺说 触觉的英文例句




    sense of touch

touch [tʌtʃ]

    n.触,触觉,接触,联繫,轻触,碰,缺点,格调 vt.接触,触摸,触及,达到,涉及,点缀,使接触,感动 vi.触摸,接近,涉及,提到

sense [sens]

    n.官能,感觉,判断力,见识,...感,意义,理性 vt.感到,理解,认识


触觉和听觉的刺激可诱使病牛惊厥和角弓反张。Tactile and auditory stimuli provoke convulsions with opisthotonos.当触觉被舞蹈所麻痹!When touch drive dance paralyze!难以觉察的气温下降;轻轻的点头;颜色是不能被触觉感觉的。An imperceptible drop in temperature;~ an imperceptible nod; color is unperceivable to the touch.听觉、视觉及触觉刺激加强小朋友对外的认识。The interchangeable suction cup and mounting clamp give you more fun.我生活在触觉的国度中,这也许是模拟世界的最后一个根据地。I live in the realm of the tactile which could be the last stronghold of the analog world.因为形状为尖角或不对称,方向能容易地用触觉标记出来。Orientation can be easily marked tactilely by having a clipped corner or unsymmetrical shape.


振动触觉信息 vibrotactile information

触觉 tact

触觉乳头 tactile papilla

触觉助听器 teletactor

触觉地图 tactual map用凸凹的线状、点状和麵状纹理符号构成的用手的触觉感受的地图。

触觉失认症 tactile agnosia

触觉定位 tactual localization

触觉小体 Meissner''s corpuscle又称"迈斯纳小体"。

触觉小珠 tactile elevations

触觉感受器 touch receptor

触觉感受野 touch receptive field

触觉显示 tactual display

触觉显示器 tactual displays

触觉毛 tactile hair

触觉测量器 esthesiometer tactometer

触觉测验器 tactometer

触觉的 tactually

触觉突起 tactile process

触觉窝 tactile pit

触觉缺失 thigmanesthesia

触觉计 aesthesiometer

触觉语颤 tactile fremitus

触觉通讯 tactile communication触觉通讯

