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上下班的英文翻译 上下班英文怎幺说 上下班的英文例句




    to start and finish work

start [sta:t]

    n.动身,出发点,开始,惊起,惊跳,赛跑的先跑权,优先地位 v.出发,起程,开始,着手,惊动,惊起,起动,发动 削减战略武器条约START(Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

finish [finiʃ]

    n.完成,结束,磨光,末道漆,完美 vt.完成,结束,用完,毁掉,使完美 vi.结束,终结,停止,终止

work [wә:k]

    n.工作,劳动,操作,职业,[物]功,手工,作品,机件 v.(使)工作,(使)运转,起作用,造成,产生,经营,(使)渐渐移动,煆制


公共汽车、地下铁路和上下班火车Buses subways commuter trains火车里挤满了上下班的乘客。The train be full of commuter.交通在上下班高峰期时尤其堵塞。The traffic is busier during rush hour.你一生中大约十五分之一的时间花在上下班的途中。You spend about a fifteenth of your life commuting.星期四晚上下班以后我们要办点庆祝活动。We'll be having a bit of a knees-up on thursday evening after work.又是该勇敢地面对上下班拥挤交通的时候了。It was time to brave the rush hour traffic again.这个厂的工人按规定必须记录上下班的时间。Workers in this factory are required to clock in and out.上下班高峰期城市的主要街道交通拥挤。Traffic congested the main city streets during peak hour.与考勤钟一起使用以记录职员每天上下班时间的卡。A card used with a time clock to record an employee's starting and quitting times each day.在上下班交通高峰期间乘坐通勤车要有安之若素的心境。Commuting in the rush hour requires a phlegmatic temperament.在上下班拥挤的交通中熟练地迂回行进。Weaving expertly among the rush-hour traffic.


上下班交通 commuting traffic

上下班客流 commuter movement

上下班时间 shorten the) amount of time spent traveling to and from work

上下班计时 clocking in; clocking on

上下班计时卡 clock card; clocking card

灵活上下班制 flexible time for work

