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上尉的英文翻译 上尉英文怎幺说 上尉的英文例句




    captain (military rank)

captain [kæptin]

    n.队长,首领,船长,机长,(空军,海军)上校,(陆军)上尉 v.指挥,统帅

military [militәri; (-) -teri]


rank [ræŋk]

    n.等级,横列,阶级 adj.繁茂的,恶臭的,讨厌的,下流的 vt.排列,归类于,把...分等 vi.列为,列队 n.[数] 秩


诺古奇上尉说铁路的进展太慢了Captain noguchi says the railroad progress is too slow.色雷斯上尉报告有大规模爆炸Captain thrace is reporting massive detonations.上尉令士兵整列队伍。The captain ordered the soldiers to dress ranks.上尉命令士兵们原地踏步。The captain ordered his men to mark time.她是皇家陆军妇女队中的一名护士和一名上尉。She was a nurse and a captain in the wrac.威尔金上尉,你忠于哪一方?Captain wilkins where do your loyalties lie?我的首要任务是评价奥斯本上尉。My first priority is to form an opinion of captain osborne.我是美国海军学院的上尉指挥官标顿Lieutenant commander burton united states naval academy.我是赛德伊斯•哈里斯上尉,在这个箱子里……L am captain thaddeus harris and in this case...我是泰佛上尉,负责女皇陛下的保安I'm captain typho of her majesty's security service.向右转,快步行进,上尉命令道。"Right turn then quick march" ordered the captain.一位名叫罗伯特•波纳尔的炮兵上尉。Tain of artillery named robert ponard.


上尉 captain; lieutenant; captain; flight lieutenant; lieutenant

专业技术上尉 technical captain

海军上尉 captain of the navy

空军上尉 captain of the air force; flight lieutenant

陆军上尉 captain of the army

预备役上尉 captain on reserve service

