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垂下的英文翻译 垂下英文怎幺说 垂下的英文例句




    to hang down

hang [hæŋ]

    n.悬挂的方式,(动作的)暂停,中止 vt.悬挂,附着,装饰,绞死,踌躇,使悬而未决,垂下 vi.悬着,垂下,被绞死,悬而不决

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


昨天你爸爸的私处垂下了冰柱Ellen: your dad got an icicle embedded in his privates yesterday.“回廊屋顶的边上还有木头做的云形花饰垂下来,是不是?"And a fringe of wooden scrollwork hanging from the roof of the porch?"“为了忘掉我的羞愧。”酒鬼忏悔着,垂下头来。"Forget that I am ashamed" the tippler confessed hanging his head.垂下的有花彩的薄纱Swags of tulle with festoons.姑娘受到表扬时,谦虚地垂下了眼睛。The girl cast down her eyes modestly when she was praised.看那一路垂下的蜜腺You see that nectary all the way down there?浓密的树枝垂下来遮住了阳光。Thick overhanging branches cut out the sunlight.脱垂从应在位置垂下或滑出To fall or slip out of place.在朦胧的睡意中,她的头垂下来,轻轻地靠到了他的身上。In hex sleepiness her head sank gently against him.这时他看到一个人的背上垂下两条长长的金黄色辫子,他为之一惊。When he saw two long tails of yellow hair hanging down a back


从...垂下 lop over

垂下 hang down; loll forward

垂下摄影象片 nadir photograph

悬雍垂下垂 staphyloptosis

看得他人垂下眼睛 stare down

