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伤人的英文翻译 伤人英文怎幺说 伤人的英文例句




    to injure sb

injure [indʒә(r)]

    vt.损害,伤害 v.伤害


我背后伤人?你神经病!Me a backstabber? You got a lot of nerve.因为这种方法会使动物“怀恨在心”,在以后某个阶段它很可能变成伤人的动物。For it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer.在玛丽旁边说话时要小心,她是爱在背地里恶语伤人(:说闲话)人。Be careful what you say around mary. She's a backstabber.证人说被喷到的犯人没有射伤人Witnesses said the guy that got maced didn't shoot anyone恶语比利剑更伤人。Words cut more than swords.另一起伤人和抢劫案In a separate assault and robbery.苏拉明联合顺铂杀伤人骨肉瘤细胞mg-63的实验研究The effects of suramin combined with cisplatin on human osteosarcoma mg-63她言辞刻毒,容易伤人。She had a waspish tongue which could hurt.忧愁伤人烈于砒霜。Care corrode more than poison.有假释犯因家庭纠纷出手伤人Parole violation: assault arising from a family dispute.


伤人 inflict injuries; injury

伤人感情 draw blood; drawn blood; drew blood

反革命伤人罪 crime of counterrevolutionary injury

反革命杀人、伤人罪 crime of counterrevolutionary homicide and injury

居民火灾受伤人数 civilian fire injury

持械伤人 armed injury

犯伤人的罪 spill blood

