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出格的英文翻译 出格英文怎幺说 出格的英文例句




    exceed what is proper;out of line

exceed [ik'si:d]

    vt.超越,胜过 vi.超过其他

proper [prɔpә(r)]


out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

line [lain]

    n.绳,索,线路,航线,诗句 vt.排成一行,顺...排列,划线于,使有线条,使起皱纹 vi.排队


那窗户老是发出格格的响声,我必须敲进一块楔子把它装牢。That window keeps rattling; I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put.吉米的举止出格,没有人能够使他行为有所改进。Jimmy is beyond the pale. There is nothing anyone can do to improve his behaviour.前不久,我从国外回来,一个出格地爱管闲事的年轻海关When I returned from abroad recently a particularly officious young customs前不久,我从国外回来,一个出格地爱管闲事的年轻海关官员显然把我When I returned from abroad recently a particularly officious young customs offi不过我不会问的太出格But I am a man of the cloth.央视讲解员黄健翔,热情还是出格?Cctv's huang: passionate or out of line?你们的人有点出格了One of your men got out of line last night.你说的话太出格了。What you said was way out of line.你这个就太出格了That was way out of line.他们因行为出格而受到严厉处罚。They were severely punished for being out of line.他们因言行出格受到严厉处罚。They were severely punished for stepping out of line.我想我不会买这顶帽子--虽然它绝对气派,但对于我朴实的衣着品味来说有点出格。Idon't think I shall buy the hat--it's absolutely splendid but a little outre for my sober tastes.


使...发出格格声 rattle at

发出格格声 rattle away

简单输出格式翻译程式 simple output format translator

输入输出格式 io format

输出格式说明 output format specification

