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除非的英文翻译 除非英文怎幺说 除非的英文例句




    only if (..., or otherwise, ...)
    only when
    only in the case that

only [әunli]

    adj.唯一的,单独的,最好的,最合适的 adv.仅仅,只不过 conj.但是,可是

if [if]

    conj.(表条件)如果,(表假设)要是,是否,即使 n.条件,设想

otherwise [ʌðәwaiz]

    adv.另外,否则,不同地,别的方式 adj.另外的,其他方面的


我能成为火枪手?除非天上掉下来一头母牛I'll be a musketeer when cows fall from the sky.心一点都不实用除非它们能被做成牢不可破-----《绿野仙蹤》Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.应叫者未派司过除非特殊情形。Responder is unpassed except where otherwise stated.在表示属有关係的词之后,除非这类词后有形容词After a possessive unless it is followed by an adjective


但除非 not but

去除非金属夹杂物 elimination of nonmetallic inclusion

除非 am nothing short of; are nothing short of; except in so far as; except insofar as; is nothing short of; were nothing short of

除非上下文另有规定 except so far as the context otherise requires

除非另作说明 unless otherwise stated

除非另定费率 not otherwise rated

除非另有列举 not otherwise enumerated

除非另有协议 unless otherwise agreed

除非另有批注 excepted so far as otherwise expressly stated

除非另有提及 unless otherwise mentioned

除非另有注释 unless otherwise noted

除非另有规定 not otherwise provided

除非另有记载 except as otherwise noted EAON)

除非另有说明 not otherwise specified NOS)

除非另有陈述 unless otherwise indicated

除非另行确定 unless otherwise established

除非提早开始装卸 unless commenced earlier

除非较早靠泊 unless sooner berthed

