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周游的英文翻译 周游英文怎幺说 周游的英文例句




    to travel around
    to tour
    to cross

travel [træv(ә)l]

    v.旅行,传播 vi.行进,传播 n.旅行

around [ә'raund]

    adv.周围,四周,到处,大约,左右 prep.在...周围,四处

tour [tuә(r)]

    n.旅行,游历,旅游 v.旅行,游历,巡迴,漫游


我有个朋友搭便车周游了美国。I have a friend who hitch-hike across america.一个生态学家的梦想:周游世界,探索大自然的奇迹。As an ecologist I have a dream: travel arround the work and discover the miracles of the nature.密云将他遮盖,使他不能看见;他周游穹苍。Thick clouds veil him so he does not see us as he goes about in the vaulted heavens.他18岁时离开家,从那以后周游世界。He left home when he was18and thenceforth travelled the world.他想周游全世界。He want to travel all over the world.我希望带着这个木偶周游世界,同时也好挣口饭吃。With this marionette I wish to travel through the world and earn for myself a little bread.一只红细胞周游全身需要20秒。It takes about20seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.制订了一系列的改革措施后,梭伦到国外周游了10年。His task done solon travelled abroad for ten years.周游寻找冒险的流浪的骑士。A wandering knight travelling in search of adventure.


周游 tour

