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上街的英文翻译 上街英文怎幺说 上街的英文例句




    to go onto the streets
    to go shopping

onto [ɔntu]



你昨天上街买东西了吗?Do you go shopping yesterday?鲍威尔太太每隔两天上街一次。Miss Powel went to to全幅武装的走上街头To go out on the streets armed上街买东西太容易把一天里最好的时间给浪费掉了。It is all too easy to fritter away the best hours of the day shopping.委员会将老人驱逐出门时,社区的房客上街示威游行。All the tenants on the estate marched in protest when the council evicted an old man from his home.我可以想像除夕之夜千万人群涌上街头迎接千禧年的欢乐场面。I can imagine the gaiety when thousands flock there to welcome the new millennium on new year's eve.我总是星期五上街买东西。I always shop on fridays.以反资本主义团体把上街抗议作为表达自己呼声的一种方式。Anticapitalist groups used street protests as a way of making their voices heard.咱们就上街那头那个小饭馆去吃汉堡包怎幺样?How about just going down the street to the greasy spoon and getting hamburgers?笔者认为什幺时间段上街是最糟糕的时刻?What time does the writer think is the worst time to go into the street?头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩(我睡在街灯下)。Neath the halo of a street lamp.


上街游行 take to the streets

民警上街巡逻 street patrolling of the police

走上街 hit the bricks; hitted the bricks

