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商检的英文翻译 商检英文怎幺说 商检的英文例句




    to inspect goods

inspect [in'spekt]

    vt.检查,视察 v.检查

goods [gudz]



商检的权力应如何加以规定呢?How shall we define the inspection right?商检工作不是那幺简单。The commodity inspection is no easy job.授权天津商检局在上述货物运达时进行检验。The tianjin commodity inspection bureau is authorized to inspect the say consignment on its arrival.海关有关关税及到达港商检、卸货费由卖方承担。Customs duty inspection charge at unloading port discharging charge to be borne by buyer.


製造厂检验证书,製造厂商检验证明书 manufacturer''s inspection certificate

商品检验局,商检局 bureau of commodity inspection and quarantine BCIQ); commodity inspection and testing bureau

商检局 commodity inspection and testing bureau

商检局证明书 commodity inspection and testing bureau certificate; certificate of commodity inspection and testing bureau

商检机构 commodity inspection authorities; commodity inspection organ

商检机构实施检验的进出口商品种类表 list of import and export commodities subject to inspection enforced by commodity inspection authorities

商检机构指定的检验机构 inspection agency appointed by commodity inspection authorities

商检标誌 commodity inspection mark

商检行政机关 administrative organ for commodity inspection

商检行政案件 administrative case for commodity inspection

商检证书 commodity inspection certificate

